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Howick College Board

The Howick College Board, in consultation with parents, staff and students, provides strategic direction for the school and develops, monitors and reviews school policy. The principal, senior leadership team and staff, align the operational plans and activities with the strategic objectives set out, to ensure we provide high quality education and a safe learning environment for all our students. 

If you wish to bring matters to the attention of the Board, please contact the Presiding Member.

For more information about the role of the Board, please visit New Zealand School Trustees Association.

Our Board Members

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Mr Miles Stratford

Presiding Board Member


HR/Curriculum & Student Welfare Committee 


Community Development/

International Students Committee

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Ms Michele Heywood

Deputy Presiding Board Member


HR/Curriculum & Student Welfare Committee Chair

Community Development/

International Students Committee


Mr Dale Burden


HR/Curriculum Committee

Finance Committee

Property/Health & Safety Committee

Community Development/

International Students Committee

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Peter Cunningham

Parent Representative


Finance Committee Chair

Property/Health & Safety Committee Chair

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Ms Carin Newbould

Parent Representative


Community Development/

International Students Committee

HR/Curriculum & Student Welfare Committee

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Mr Bruce Barret

Parent  Representative

Finance Committee

Property/Health & Safety Committee

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Ms Rebecca Rose

Parent  Representative

HR/Curriculum & Student Welfare  Committee



Ms Sharon King

Staff Representative


Finance Committee

Property/Health & Safety Committee

HR/Curriculum & Student Welfare  Committee


Kaide Toia

Student  Representative

Finance Committee

Property/Health & Safety Committee


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Mrs Lorraine MacKereth

Board Secretary

 Inspiring a Community of Passionate Learners

Whakamanawahia Tētehi Hapori O Ngā Ākonga Hihiri

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