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2025 Year 9 Enrolment Information Evening 

Wednesday 7 August

Howick College is pleased to invite parents, caregivers and students interested in enrolling for Year 9 in 2025 to our Enrolment Information Evening. Families and students will have the opportunity to visit our college and attend one of two sessions beginning in the Bill Dimery Performing Arts Centre.

This will be an enjoyable and informative evening where you will be able to experience first-hand our commitment to academic excellence. The student-led tours will enable prospective students and their families to tour through the school, meet members of our teaching staff, interact with students of various levels, ask questions and see the school in operation around the campus. 

As numbers are limited, you will need to register your place for the session you wish to attend. Please register for each person attending. 

For more information on enrolment at Howick College, please click HERE.

Presentation: 4:00pm
Tour: 4:45 to 5:45pm 

Register Your Attendance
Presentation: 5:00pm
Tour: 5:45 to 6:45pm 

Register Your Attendance

 Inspiring a Community of Passionate Learners

Whakamanawahia Tētehi Hapori O Ngā Ākonga Hihiri

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