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ERO Reports

Education Review Office Report

The Education Review Office (ERO) is the New Zealand government department that evaluates and reports on the education and care of students in schools and early childhood services. The Chief Review Officer formally designates individual review officers to carry out reviews in schools in accordance with the Education Act 1989.

This Act gives the Chief Review Officer the power to initiate review, investigate, report and to publish findings on the provision of education to all young New Zealanders. The ERO generally carries out reviews every three years.


Howick College is now on a four to five year review cycle, which is the best review cycle available. This is a high endorsement of the College's performance.


ERO Profile Report – Excerpts 2022

Strategic Priorities

Howick College is grounded in the core values of courtesy, commitment, curiosity, and courage which are integral to the school’s culture.  The school mission statement is “Whakamanawahia Tētehi Hapori O Ngā Ākonga Hihiri, Inspiring a Community of Passionate Learners”.


Howick College’s strategic priorities for improving outcomes for learners are:

  • growing strong leadership

  • enabling highly effective teaching and learning

  • connecting positively with the community

  • strengthening school-wide culture.



The school can draw from the following strengths to support its goal to evaluate their junior curriculum:

  • a school-wide holistic approach to ākonga success, which includes programmes that have been proven to support students to successfully transition into the senior school and achieve in NCEA

  • strategic planning and teacher development underpinned by an established coaching and leadership inquiry approach

  • teachers who are adaptable, creative, and consistently improving their use of collaborative teaching practices to promote equitable and excellent ākonga outcomes

  • staff demonstrating an openness to learning and continuously improving their understanding of mātauranga Māori.

To read the full school profile report please go to

 Inspiring a Community of Passionate Learners

Whakamanawahia Tētehi Hapori O Ngā Ākonga Hihiri

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