Health Centre
The Health Centre has an open-door policy and provides access for all students to seek professional, supportive, and culturally sensitive medical care and assistance.
If students are feeling unwell during class, they will need to obtain a permission slip from their classroom teacher to go to the Health Centre, or students can choose to drop-in during interval or lunchtime.
The nurse will assess the student's health and, if necessary, contact the parents/caregivers for their consent to send the student home. If contacted by the nurse to pick up their child, parents can collect the student from the Health Centre and sign them out of school. Students are NOT to contact the parents/caregivers directly themselves.
Howick College Health Centre offers the following services
First aid
Assessment and care if illness occurs at school
Medication administration as required
Emergency referrals
Management of chronic conditions – diabetes, asthma
Sports injuries
Health promotion, prevention and education
Alcohol & substance abuse referral
Weight management referral
Physical and emotional support/counselling referral
Asthma Clinic
Sexual Health referral
Physiotherapy - by appointment only for ACC related injuries
Resource information
Collaboration with outside health providers
Physiotherapy Service (Free under ACC)
A physiotherapist is available at the school most weekdays by appointment. Students who have injured themselves at school or at home are welcome to book an appointment with our physiotherapist by emailing
All new patients must complete a consent form. If you are over 16 years of age, a consent form can be completed online here. If you are under 16 years of age, a caregiver must complete this form on your behalf.
Please email the address above to confirm a completed consent form has been received so that we can schedule your appointment during school hours.
Any questions, please email
Medication Support
Should medication administration support be required at school, please contact the nurse to arrange completion of a Parental Consent Form prior to the medication being provided.
Our Service is Private and Confidential
There are three exceptional circumstances that additional help maybe required
If you are harming yourself;
If someone is harming you;
If you are currently or intend to, harm someone else.
Should one of these situations arise, there will be a discussion with the student regarding who else needs to be involved in order to keep the student and/or others safe.
Health Centre Hours
Monday to Friday
8:30am to 3:20pm
Health Centre Contacts
School Nurses
Mrs C Naidoo (Registered Nurse/DipGN) Available Monday - Friday
Ms K Oostendorp (BHSC Nursing) Available Mon/Thurs/Fri
534 4492 ext. 889