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In-Zone Eligibility

Students who, on the first day of attendance, are living permanently within the Howick College zone boundaries and who meet the criteria for a state-funded education, are entitled to attend Howick College.


The student’s primary caregiver must be their natural parent or legal guardian. If the student is living with relatives who are not the natural parent, then primary caregiver must provide evidence of legal guardianship. With regards to complex custody arrangements, the Howick College Board reserves the right to consider guardianship verification on a case by case basis.


All in-zone applications must provide the following evidence of living permanently within the Howick College school zone:

  •  In-zone families who own their home must provide photocopies of (1) a sale and purchase agreement or Auckland Council rates document; AND (2) a recent complete electricity invoice which shows the supply address;

  • In-zone families who are renting must provide photocopies of (1) a fixed term rental agreement of a council approved rateable dwelling, that is valid during the period of the first day the student commences school; AND (2) a recent electricity invoice or verification from an electrical supplier; AND (3) a bond lodgment receipt from Tenancy Services, as verification of living in-zone;

  • If families are unable to verify their in-zone eligibility at the time of enrolment, the School may consider a Statutory Declarationwhereby families verify that all information provided in the Enrolment Application Form are true and correct. This declaration is made under the conditions of the Oaths and Declarations Act 1957, AND must be accompanied by a utility account such as, fixed phone landline and/or internet account; or a photocopy of the Post Office mail re-direction receipt, along with a photocopy of the final reading of electricity account of previous address. Photocopies of documents must show the exact name of the family and the address.

Howick College School Zone Boundaries

For the Howick College school zone boundaries with a list of streets and zone map, please click HERE or visit the TKI School Zone website.

 Inspiring a Community of Passionate Learners

Whakamanawahia Tētehi Hapori O Ngā Ākonga Hihiri

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