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 Integrated Subjects Programme  

Previously known as the Innovation Stream, this is an exciting core programme designed to prepare students for the future. Rather than learning subject skills such as literacy and numeracy in traditional single-subject contexts, the core subjects are paired together to create four new subjects called Community Action, Creative Design, Problem Solving, and Future Studies.


In these four subjects, students will learn Mathematics, English, Social Studies and Science by completing real-world projects that are highly engaging and will prepare them for life after college.  Each subject is delivered by a pair of specialist teachers who collaborate to respond to students’ needs and to create learning that strengthens the capabilities of our young people and prepares them to be future leaders.


The Integrated Subject Programme develops our students within the following six key areas of deep learning outcomes:

00 Howick College Values & Capabilities

* Numbers for this programme are limited.

 Inspiring a Community of Passionate Learners

Whakamanawahia Tētehi Hapori O Ngā Ākonga Hihiri

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