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Our Expectations

The fundamental rule of the Howick College community is that all its members, staff, students and others, have the right to be treated with dignity and respect and have their needs met in a safe learning environment. It is the responsibility of each individual to demonstrate our values of Courtesy, Commitment, Curiosity and Courage to ensure this occurs.


All students attending Howick College must adhere to the expectations of our school community and behave according to the high standards our school values reflect. The following guidelines outline our behavioural expectations:

  • At  Howick College we will NOT accept:

    • Inappropriate, abusive, or obscene language and/or behaviour;

    • Bullying, mocking, lying or stealing. This includes inappropriate text messaging and inappropriate use of social media;

    • Homophobic behaviour in any form including name calling, 'jokes' and harassment;

    • Hindering or discouraging others from learning.

  • Showing courtesy and respect for others is most important. This includes all interaction with other students, with teachers and non-teaching staff, and with all those in our community and the general public. 

  • Students are not to bring Howick College into disrepute by their actions or behaviour. This includes travelling to and from school, and outside normal school hours.

  • We are responsible for what others will inherit when they attend Howick College. Students are to respect the school grounds and all school property, this includes putting rubbish in the bin, and no marking of desks, walls, or tables.

  • Graffiti or inappropriate images are not permitted on anything the student brings to the College.

  • Smoking or vaping is forbidden on the way to and from school, during school or at any school event.

  • Mobile phones are NOT permitted during class time (only devices that are needed for classroom learning are allowed). During lessons, mobile phones must be placed on silent mode and stored in the student’s school bag. If a student is found using a mobile phone, the phone will be confiscated by the teacher returned to the student at the end of the lesson. The teacher will enter the incident into Kamar and issue a lunch-time reflection. In cases of repeated incidents, Deans will contact the student’s parents/caregivers and the student will be required to hand in their mobile phone each morning. If a student is defiant and refuses to hand over their phone, a senior leader will be called. SLT or the Deans will contact the student’s parents/caregivers. Please click on the following link to view the Howick College Mobile Phone Process.

  • Everyone plays an important part in ensuring Howick College is a safe learning environment. Items that are unrelated to school activities and may cause danger to others must NOT be brought to school.


When enrolling at Howick College all parents, caregivers and students are required to read the following agreements and acknowledge that they understand and agree to the conditions stated within these agreements.



  • Students are to organise themselves to attend all classes and be punctual, including Tutor Group and Assembly times.

  • If students are unable to attend school due to illness, parents/caregivers must contact the school by emailing 

  • If students need to be absent for one or more days because of special circumstances, their parents must email their child’s tutor teacher and cc  This should be submitted at least two days before the intended absence.

  • Students who arrive at any time after the start of the school day must bring an explanation note from their parent/caregiver. Alternatively, the parent/caregiver can email  Students must also report to the Student Office for a late pass. 

  • Students who for any reason need to leave school before the end of the school day must report to the Student Office. They should bring an explanation letter written and signed by a parent/caregiver or the parent/caregiver can email We encourage parents/caregivers to make appointments for their children outside of school time. 

  • All Year 13 students are permitted to leave the school grounds at interval and lunchtime.  All other students must remain on site at interval and lunchtime.

  • Only Year 13 students who have earned unsupervised study may leave the school grounds during their study periods.


School Uniform
Students must wear the correct uniform to, from and at school. By correctly wearing the Howick College uniform appropriate to their year level, students demonstrate their pride to be part of the Howick College community (details on our uniform guidelines can be found under ‘Uniform & Stationery’).

If students arrive at school in incorrect uniform, they must report to the Student Office before school and follow these procedures:

  • If no acceptable reason is given for incorrect uniform or grooming or if a student persistently contravenes the uniform and grooming guidelines, they will be withdrawn from class until the student’s parents remedy the situation.

  • If a student is found wearing an incorrect item in the classroom or the grounds, the teacher will ask the student to remove the item, an after school reflection will be issued and the item will be stored securely in the Student Office until the end of term. Should the student choose to be uncooperative, the student will referred to their Dean or a SLT member. In such circumstances, further disciplinary actions may be taken.

  • If a student wears an item that cannot be removed, they will be immediately sent to their Dean or a SLT member who will supply work and supervise until the problem is remedied. The parents will also be informed of the situation by phone.

  • If a student requires a Permanent Uniform Permit to wear a non-uniform item, they must give the Dean the appropriate information, such as a letter from the parents and accompanying medical certificates or cultural evidence, and they will consult with the Associate Principal. Please click on the link to view the Howick College Uniform Process.

School Unifom

 Inspiring a Community of Passionate Learners

Whakamanawahia Tētehi Hapori O Ngā Ākonga Hihiri

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