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Pastoral Care

The physical, emotional, and social well-being of our school community is of paramount importance. This is reflected in our development and implementation of effective pastoral care networks and systems, underpinning our commitment to Restorative Practice.


We place high expectations of conduct and behaviour on our students and provide the support and care to enable our young people to achieve them. Our aim is to educate students toward self-directed appropriate behaviours that promote, nurture, and protect healthy relationships between all members of our community.


Restorative Practice

Restorative Practice is an approach that builds and maintains positive, respectful relationships and attitudes that align with our core values of courtesy, commitment, curiosity, and courage.

Through this practice, the focus is on repairing harm done to relationships and people, over and above the need for assigning blame and dispensing punishment for misconduct or a conflict. The Restorative approach enables students to:


  • develop a better understanding of, and empathy for, others

  • appreciate the consequences of their actions toward others

  • be accountable for their actions

  • make amends where their actions have harmed others



For more information regarding Restorative Practice and what it involves, please visit the 'Positive Behaviour for Learning (PB4L) Restorative Practice' section on the TKI website.



At Howick College, we follow a House and tutor system that helps to create a sense of belonging and community within our school. Our six Houses are each lead by two Deans, who provide the primary means of pastoral care and support for students from Years 9 to 13.


Deans are available to guide students in making academic decisions, while also dealing with personal or disciplinary matters. The role of the Senior Dean is to cater to the specific needs of our Year 13 students.

Our Deans are easily contacted either by phone or email, and welcome and encourage parent communication. Contact details for all Deans are available in the 'Staff' section.

Tutor Classes

Each House is divided into approximately 14 tutor classes, led by a tutor teacher. Students attend a tutor class for one period each week. This provides an important opportunity for the tutor teacher to check on student attendance, reinforce school expectations regarding uniform, punctuality, behaviour etc. and communicate important information about upcoming school events and activities.

Tutor time also offers the opportunity to build a sense of whānau and trust, where the tutor teacher is able to provide individual care and guidance. The tutor teacher will often be the first to identify a student who is having difficulties.

Parents and caregivers with concerns about a student should contact their tutor teacher in the first instance.

 Inspiring a Community of Passionate Learners

Whakamanawahia Tētehi Hapori O Ngā Ākonga Hihiri

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