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Student Services

Paramount to Howick College is our pastoral care networks and systems with a strong focus on student welfare which underpin our commitment to Restorative Practice. This positive approach in repairing relationships together with our shared belief in the core values provide a safe and caring learning environment for all students.

In an environment where every student matters, we pride ourselves on the quality of our pastoral care.  With an extensive student support network, Howick College provides a holistic and integrated approach to enhancing student wellbeing and learning. Our inclusive school culture foster positive working relationships with each other and with our teachers. We value partnerships and teamwork, and develop a community of learners who embrace diversity and promote equality.

By demonstrating our core values of courtesy, commitment, curiosity, and courage in their behavior, students help to ensure that our school is a safe, caring and supportive environment where they can take a stand for what they believe in, build their character and develop personal attributes as they live, learn, work and contribute to our society as global citizens.

Howick College provides a wide range of services to ensure our individual students are well looked after and well cared for no matter what their needs are.

 Inspiring a Community of Passionate Learners

Whakamanawahia Tētehi Hapori O Ngā Ākonga Hihiri

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