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School Uniform

At Howick College, students are expected to take pride in the presentation of their uniform. They are required to wear the correct uniform appropriate to their year level and fulfill the grooming standards when travelling to and from school, at school, and on official out-of-school activities. A uniform worn correctly is not only a mark of respect and unity, it is a reflection of our commitment to excellence and being the best we can be. By wearing the uniform correctly, Howick College students demonstrate our 4C values and are proud to be part of the Howick College community.

Uniform & Stationery

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How To Wear the Howick College Uniform 

Please watch this brief video for more information on our expectations regarding how to wear the Howick College uniform.

Wearing the Howick College Uniform

Wearing the Howick College Uniform

Play Video

Uniforms are available from:​

NZ Uniforms

Unit B / 16 Bishop Dunn Place

Botany, Auckland 2013

P: 09 281 3531



Monday - Friday: 9:00am to 5:00pm

Saturday: 9:00am to 4:00pm

How to Wear
Uniform Requirements
Years 9 -12 Uniform

  • Blue pinstripe shirt with Howick College crest;

  • Charcoal/white pinstripe shorts worn with either charcoal/red stripe knee-high socks (worn pulled up to the knee) or black/red stripe crew sock or;

  • Charcoal/white pinstripe skirt, either knee-length (to be worn at knee length as shown above) or ankle-length, worn with plain black above the ankle socks or black opaque stockings ("no show" ankle socks and socks with visible branding, are not permitted) or;

  • Charcoal/White pinstripe trousers worn with black socks;

  • Black jersey with Howick College crest, black waterproof jacket with Howick College crest, and black/red Howick College scarf (for the winter season).

Year 13 Uniform
Year 13 Uniform
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  • White shirt with Howick College crest;

  • Charcoal/white pinstripe shorts worn with either charcoal/red stripe knee-high socks (worn pulled up to the knee) or black/red stripe crew sock or;

  • Charcoal/white pinstripe skirt, either knee-length (to be worn at knee length as shown above) ankle-length, worn with black above the ankle socks or black opaque stockings ("no show" ankle socks and socks with visible branding are not permitted) or;

  • Charcoal/White pinstripe trousers worn with black socks;

  • Black jersey with Howick College crest, black waterproof jacket with Howick College crest, and black/red Howick College scarf (for the winter season);

  • Year 13 students may also choose to wear the formal Howick College blazer with the Howick College school tie.

  • School shoes are to be clean, plain, flat, black leather upper shoes.

  • Students may choose to wear black leather sandals that must have a back heel support strap. Sandals must be worn without socks or stockings.

Dress Uniform

Dress uniform is reserved for students to wear at formal or special occasions and by senior students who demonstrate excellence and leadership, such as NCEA Excellence Endorsement Awardees, Premier Cultural and Sporting Representatives, Howick College Board Student Representative, and Student Leaders.

Students who require a dress uniform must visit the Student Office a few days before the dress uniform is required.

All items must be returned the following day in good clean condition as other students may require them.                              Please note, students may be liable for any loss or damage to the items they borrowed or used.


If students require a school blazer for the year or season, these are available for hire from the Student Office for a bond of $50 or it can be purchased brand new from NZ Uniforms. If a blazer is not returned, students will be charge a $160.

  • Formal Howick College blazer;

  • White shirt with Howick College crest;

  • Howick College school tie;

  • Charcoal/white pinstripe knee-length skirt (worn at knee-length) or

  • Charcoal/white pinstripe ankle-length skirt or

  • Charcoal/white pinstripe trousers with black belt;

  • Black leather school shoes;

  • Black/red stripe crew socks or black opaque stockings.

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Dress Un

PE & Sports Uniform

Howick College PE uniform is black shorts with Howick College crest and the red/black sports top with Howick College crest. All students are required to wear the Howick College PE uniform for all PE classes. Various sports teams may have their own team uniform and warm up gears. Please contact the Sports Department for further information.


Incorrect Uniform

All students are required to come to school in the correct Howick College uniform. Students arriving at school with incorrect uniform must report to the Student Office before the start of school. We invite you to discuss any ongoing uniform concerns you may have with your child’s Dean.

Donating your Uniform

Any uniforms that you wish to donate to the school once your child has left Howick College would be greatly appreciated. Clean and tidy garments can be dropped into the Student Office during school hours. 

Non-Uniform Days

All students must follow the appearance and grooming requirements outlined above even on non-uniform days.

In addition:

  • No worn out or dirty clothing or clothing with pictures or writing that may offend others e.g. references to alcohol, drugs, gangs, rude slogans etc.;

  • No low cut or strapless tops and singlets or tops that are too exposed;

  • No caps or beanies worn in class;

  • No bare feet or rubber/plastic jandals.

Appearance & Grooming

Student Appearance & Grooming Requirements

  • Hair colour must be natural. Extreme hair colours and styles are NOT permitted;

  • Facial hair is NOT acceptable. Students are to be clean shaven (exceptions will only be made for cultural or religious  reasons- see House Deputy Principal;

  • Jewellery is to be minimal - one ring per hand, one bracelet, one necklace, two small gold/silver studs or sleeper earrings per ear, one nose stud or clear retainer, (see below for examples of acceptable styles). Nose rings, septum rings, facial piercings and tongue piercings are NOT permitted;

  • Fingernail and toenail polish must be clear. Coloured nail polish is NOT permitted

  • Make-up must be minimal;

  • ONLY singlets may be worn under the school uniform shirt and must NOT be visible. T-shirts and long-sleeved thermal layers are NOT permitted.

  • Only school award badges may be worn;

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Stationery Requirements


Stationery lists for all subjects are available to download via the OfficeMax website. Items can be can be purchased online from OfficeMax or, if preferred, from another stationery supplier.

All students require essential items, such as pens, refill paper, ruler, pencils etc. You will find these items in the stationery list for each year level. It is advised that you check each subject your child is taking, especially any specialist subject, to ensure they have all the items they need for their learning. 


Some subjects require the purchase of workbooks which are used in conjunction with textbooks and remain the property of the student. They have sections for work and study notes that are filled in by the students to enhance their learning. Some of these workbooks are not included in the stationery lists and are paid for via the School's Cashier Office and distributed by the subject teachers.

 Inspiring a Community of Passionate Learners

Whakamanawahia Tētehi Hapori O Ngā Ākonga Hihiri

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